super power for the future,Solar pros and cons

Solar energy pros and cons

On a per-watt basis, the cost of solar panels has dropped by around 65 percent. which is a wonderful thing. Tesla says to install systems for less than $2.00 per KW presently. Solar energy is the thermal energy that we receive from the sun. On the surface of the earth, these heat radiations carry photons. More than 384.6 septillion watts of radiation reach the earth’s surface per second. according to scientists. It will last over 500,000 years to meet our civilization’s current requirements. Are we ready to mass use solar energy? What should we care about? In this article, we are going to answer the question. Let’s see “ Solar energy pros and cons”

What is solar energy and how does it work? 

The sun converts energy into power via solar panels. What’s the deal with them? By using Semiconductor materials in solar panels. These are materials that have conductivity. They locate between the insulator and the conductors. When heat radiation strikes solar panels, electrons, and holes flow.  and then, current flows as a result.

Shall we get into the matter?

 The pros and cons analyzis

When considering whether solar energy is the appropriate choice for you. you may need to consider the advantages and disadvantages. It’s the target of this article.

Before we begin the task on “Solar energy pros and cons”, let’s see the basics. Individual solar cells of a frame and a collection of solar cells. They generate electricity using solar energy that is readily available in the environment. 

Monocrystalline solar panels, polycrystalline solar panels, and thin-film solar panels are the three varieties of solar panels now available on the market.

pros and cons for Solar

The top 20 pros of Solar energy

  1. Reduce your electric bill; this is the main point actually. Almost cheap way to do this.
  2. Pollution-free environment;  it’s green energy. our second consideration goes to the environmental point. because it’s a vital and highly critical case in this era. 
  3. Dependency fact; No  dependency on fossil fuels; Solar power ensures energy independence
  4. Running costs; Near-zero  operating and maintenance costs;
  5. Initial expenditure; is a bit expensive. Even though we mention this as a con. But wait… well worth it
  6. Energy safety; You can Solar energy ensures energy security.
  7. Healthy life;  Improve health as a result of cleaner air, water, and soil 
  8. Business aspect; When you try to do this in the home or as a business, it’s worth The most prominent benefit of solar panels is a rise in the value of your home. Because the initial cost of installing solar panels is expensive, it may take several years for the investment to pay off. If a homeowner sells their home shortly, the initial solar energy expenditure can recoup.
  9. Availability; Almost everywhere on the earth, there is an ample supply of energy. We have far more energy than we would ever use. Of course, this is not sufficient as an energy source for cold countries.
  10. Stable position; It’s the only method of generating power that doesn’t rely on a mechanical turbine. There are no moving parts at all.

Additional facts are; “Solar energy pros and cons”

  1. Easy handling; There is no need for upkeep. There are no gears, no oil changes, and no broken parts. Photovoltaic panels are self-cleaning in any climate with some rainfall.
  2. Scalability; The system’s efficiency is scale-independent. A small system can perform at the same level as a large one. Scale is necessary for all other forms of energy generation.
  3. Energy distribution matter; As a result, solar energy does not need to transport across long distances in costly cables that are susceptible to lose. In decentralized systems, it can generate directly anywhere 
  4. Utilization fact; When put on enormous flat roofs, which may be found all over cities, it is almost undetectable.
  5. Noice-free; It produces no noise, odors, or trash, and has a negligible impact on animal life and the environment.
  6. Cost is relatively low; For the past 30 years, the price has already been lowering at an exponential rate of 20% every two years. In a few years, the cost of solar energy will be close to nothing. Because they all require old-fashioned mechanical turbines, hydro, wind, nuclear, and biomass prices are almost steady.

Additional facts2: “Solar energy pros and cons”

  1. Energy consumption fact; The solar generation curve resembles the energy consumption curve of a modern city. Daytime temperatures are high, but nighttime temperatures are low. Summer temperatures are high (because of air conditioning), whereas winter temperatures are low.
  2. Raw materials for the production; Silicon (Si), the 2nd greatest abundant metal in the earth’s crust, can be used to make solar panels.
  3. Energy production waste; No  toxic waste is among them; 
  4. Easy to install for micro SPV plants; undertake the Solar Panel Validation (SPV) Initiative, the Clean Energy Regulator collaborates with industry.

What is the status of Solar panel cost now?

It’s still decreasing gradually over the years. This is a high impact. It may be relative to fuel costs. Even so, this is a significant benefit.

figure how solar panels are getting this is a definite pros for solar energy
image credit

What is the background for solar energy cons?

Of course, we have to care about the cons even. The majority of disadvantages are that it is excessively expensive at the top, as normal people have stated. As a result of the shade cast by trees, a portion of your solar panels will be blocked, lowering your output. Foggy and overcast days diminish production by up to 90%. Solar panels that do not work at night, of course. That is why you need nighttime storing power. Get more panels than you’ll need for off-grid use, as well as a larger battery, to extend your power on overcast days and throughout the winter’s lower daylight. Have a generator as a backup power source if there are too many days of bad weather in a succession, as well as a charging controller or power inverter failure.

Let’s consider the major points… 

The top 13 cons of Solar energy

  1. Initial cost; Solar power’s biggest downside is its high cost. A solar panel system is more expensive to build than a regular electrical system. This is the biggest con. But just go through the analysis. Then sometime this matter will be listed on the pros side? 
  2. Maintenance fact; a high initial cost.
  3. Solar energy storage; is also expensive.
  4. Installation harassment; takes up a lot of space.
  5. The efficiency; On an annual basis, solar panels only provide electricity around half of the time. (during the day). The weather has a huge impact on energy production.
  6. The consumption aspect; To be completely reliant on solar, you’ll need a lot of energy storage. For use at night and during peak hours.
  7. The appearance; Photovoltaic panels appear to be unsightly.
  8. Not suitable for all locations; Dust storms in highly dry areas will necessitate hand cleaning. Only suitable for a limited number of geographical regions
  9. Need extremely mass space; To meet the needs of a metropolis, solar panels require enormous expanses. (However, it is significantly less than most people believe.) Solar fields of 15 x 15 km are equivalent to a huge nuclear power plant.)
  10. Waste emission fact; After use; 2nd and 3rd-generation solar cells emit harmful waste. (Standard solar cells, on the other hand, do not produce any hazardous waste).
  11. Usage life span; The maximum life expectancy is 25 years.
  12. Efficiency drops over time; over time, efficiency deteriorates.
  13. Sensitivity is high; Extremely sensitive. They must handle it with caution.

What are the trends in Solar paneling?

But possibly the most significant advancement we’ll see shortly is bendable solar panels that can use to replace traditional roofing tiles. As a result, it will be similar to purchasing a new roof and receiving the solar collector “for free.”

Solar roofing tiles are now expensive, but if they can be brought down to the same level as solar panels, we’ll see ordinary roofs being replaced with solar “shingles,” and practically any home, old or new, will be a contender.

Solar energy is potential super energy for the following reasons: 

  • This green energy is abundant in nature and can use indefinitely.
  • Because it is a renewable resource, it will never run out.

All energy sources have an impact on our environment in some way. By most counts, fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas—do far more harm than renewable energy sources, including air and water pollution, public health damage, wildlife, habitat loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions. A big number of people, or urbanization, pollutes the air in numerous ways. For example, humans who use a large number of automobiles, such as in India, release a large number of dangerous gases into the atmosphere.


In comparison to cons, its absolute pros are more convenient. And worth for the modern world. As we know now environmental pollution is getting too high. Power consumption is rising heavily. If we can come to a global compromisation with solar power promotions. It’s high time to do so. Let’s get together to save our planet. Can only do by you and me. Not by aliens? 
Read more on energy sources; hydrogen fuel cells, smokeless fire pit

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