reedsy for authers


This is a nice website we are going to introduce. it is an online service for editing books. a nice help for authors. publish a book is not an easy task. if you follow a smart way, it will be ok. with Reedsy your problem will solve no? where is the book industry pool for professionals? so here authors can meet up with publishers. as well as with nice designers. why not you can meet and work with marketers also.isn’t interesting? so Reedsy is a marketplace for publishing talent. it’s like a community of the book industry. including editors, designers, and ghostwriters.

not only that! It’s a special freelance marketplace. Reedsy also has a handful of publishing tools. so the trend is now coming on this way. the site has more than 2800 contractors. Since the launch in 2014. over 15,000 books launched using Reedsy talent. as a part of the self-publishing tools meta trend.

How to get started?

It’s need to fill up forms. just need to introduce who you are.

How to start: Format a Book

So this is how it works with a free tool. Reedsy Book Editor is there to help you. let’s see…

6 Steps

Reedsy offers some amazing tools. There are resources to make it without effort. If you want to format a professional-level book. Some self-published authors even use MS Word. That is, for formatting e-books. So there is no need to do it now. Because it is more likely to be read as normal. So automatically it will be boring. So here you can learn how to professionally format a book to produce printed and electronic books in just six steps.

Use this free tool. the Reedsy Book Editor is there to format a book professionally for print & ebook production within 6 steps. Sign up to the Reedsy Book Editor here to unlock’s just easy and then let’s get to it! 

Step 01: Bring your book to Reedsy Book Editor

If you can use the import function (.docx)  on the Reedsy Book Editor’then continue working on manuscripts. or start on any word processor. you may identify some page breaks or chapters differences etc. so don’t worry you can easily get avoid them. so to make it happen;

  • Use “styles” for each chapter title and heading
  • Use “chapter …” at the opening of all chapters.

As next option is to copy-paste your book in the Reedsy Book Editor. then use the “chapter break” feature. it will be split into chapters. when on going this process Reedsy scanner cares about the existing formatting of your manuscript, which is in your own interest. so it will retain elements:

  • Headings
  • Links
  • Inline styles (italic/bold).

Then if you are comfortable with the manuscript, are ready to format it.

Step 2: Styling content

Go to the format bar. select the paragraph or characters style. click format. paragraph style options;

  • If you decide to keep the satandard style. it’s default. no action
  • 3 headings types for contents: like in WordPress H1,H2 & H3
  • 2 list types: bullet points & numbers
  • Add Quotes

if you don’t have a significant answer to the reader’s problems, people won’t read them

Step 3:Enrich with content values

  • Add siutable images
  • Write attractive captions
  • Put respective endnotes

Step 4: Give nice outlook for book cover

Click the Export option. there you can select some nice templates. or you can upload a design own. make sure following requirements. cover image;

  • Ratio of 1:1.6
  • Measure at least 2500px on the longest side

Step 5: Manage “front matter”

This is also an important part. applies to ebooks too. With the Editor, you can manage your book’s front matter elements in two sections;

Don’t forget the checklist: see below

you won’t need an ISBN for most ebook retailers. as they have their own identifying number. For instance;

Step 6:Choose a ffile type EPUB or PDF

EPUB files are compatible with;

  • Apple’s iBookstore
  • Kobo Store
  • Kindle Store
  • Nook Press
  • Google Play
  • NetGalley.

If you want to know further details use this link. so this is how the task going on. everything comes with a vision. then the world becomes a nice readable place. enjoy with Reedsy. good luck.

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