How does Biometrics improve cyber security?

How does Biometrics improve cyber security?

Every day, Google adds 10,000 new websites to its blacklist! Every three months, almost 600,000 WordPress websites were hacked! There are approximately 2,200 cyberattacks per day, which could equate to more than 800,000 bank accounts being hacked each year! Even though they have two-step authentication, high-earning YouTube channels were recently hijacked. what?… Is that true?…

Smart Clothing: trends

Smart Clothing: trends

What are smart clothes? This is a technological advancement in the textile industry. For clothing, so we are going to tell you about“Smart Clothing: trends”. there are some scientific solutions added. So now they are not just dresses or wearings. Those clothes are being developed by researchers for the next generation of mankind. Smart clothing,…

Affiliate marketing: the best strategy

Affiliate marketing: the best strategy

Do you really know about smart affiliate marketing? It’s incredible. Affiliate marketing is a $7 billion-dollar-per-year industry that is rapidly expanding. Despite this, you can do affiliate marketing for free. I don’t mean there aren’t any costs associated with starting and running an affiliate business. but the costs are absurdly low. well, free means there…