10 Best Tips to prevent  WordPress Websites from Brute Force Attacks

10 Best Tips to prevent WordPress Websites from Brute Force Attacks

Welcome friends. Today we are going to surprise you with a highly impressive web solution. Trust me. We are implementing this method successfully. Is that so important? Of course yes. It might be even at this moment your website is facing brute force attacks. Really? sure it’s not a gimmick. and hackers may attempt to…

How does Biometrics improve cyber security?

How does Biometrics improve cyber security?

Every day, Google adds 10,000 new websites to its blacklist! Every three months, almost 600,000 WordPress websites were hacked! There are approximately 2,200 cyberattacks per day, which could equate to more than 800,000 bank accounts being hacked each year! Even though they have two-step authentication, high-earning YouTube channels were recently hijacked. what?… Is that true?…

Internet of Things

Internet of Things

Hello friends, today we are going to discuss IoT (Internet of Things). What is the internet of things? Let’s clarify in an easy way.  will think about a few networks working together, at the same time there are some specific devices are connected with the networks. so this special kind of technology is used to…