create animated explainer videos

Animated Explainer Videos

  Have you ever tried to create  Animated Explainer Videos? for your Ad campaign? This is an amazing way to attract customers. You can give a clear and stern message with this method. Creating a video as a part of the advertising campaign. Making a 3D explainer video is a fun and engaging approach to communicating difficult concepts to a large audience. This is a huge opportunity. So, don’t miss out.

Do Animated Explainer Videos really work?

Of course, it is.

An easy and interesting approach to convey difficult concepts is through explainer films. They can assist companies in attracting customers and successfully communicating their brand, good, or service to them. Explainer videos, whether they are 2D or whiteboard animated, may be an effective marketing and lead generation tool. Videos that are compelling, memorable, and resonate with viewers may be made by;

  • keeping them brief,
  • intelligible, and 
  • customized to your target demographic.

But remember you cannot make long videos. It will not carry any advantage. explain in short and attractively. expressing the brand should be creative. remember It‘s an art. And “not everyone is an artist”.

If you’re not sure if your company needs an explainer video, think about your target market and how complex your service is. It’s absolutely worthwhile to investigate animation if you believe it can improve your communication.  To get a better idea of the options, you may browse tons of explainer video examples on the internet.

Which is better 2D or 3D Animated Explainer Videos?

Both are working well. But it’s no doubt, 3D is better. But 2D explainer videos have pros over 3D type.


1.0 Cheap  

In general, 2D animation is less expensive than 3D animation. The complexity and increased time and resource requirements of the 3D animation production process drive up the cost of the finished output.

1.0 Time-Efficient 

The creation of 2D animation is quicker than that of 3D animation. Businesses who need to swiftly produce explainer films in order to stay up with market developments or address consumer concerns should pay special attention to this.

3.0 Simplicity 

Easy-to-understand animations are simpler. They are adept at clearly and compellingly conveying difficult concepts. For explainer films, which seek to inform viewers about a good, service, or idea, this makes them perfect.

4.0 Flexibility 

When it comes to style and design, 2D animation gives more options. Characters, backdrops, and other aspects may be readily changed by animators to better reflect the brand or the video’s message.

How to make animated explainer videos to enhance business?

We have encouraged you in many articles that before starting a new tool, “have a plan”. So, also we repeat the same.

Using animated explainer videos to promote your brand may be quite effective. 

To help you get started, here is a summary of the procedure.

1.0 planning stage

Clarity is the most important fact. Make sure you understand the message you wish to deliver first. What is the main notion or idea you want people to grasp from your presentation?

1.1 Recognize your audience; 

make sure the tone and substance of the video appeal to the people in your target audience.

1.2 Specify your objectives;

whose product are you describing, or whose problem are you solving?

1.3 Write a captivating screenplay; 

It should be brief—no more than two minutes—and concentrate on the advantages you provide. Compose an engaging screenplay outlining your explainer video’s story. Remain succinct, interesting, and point-focused.

2.0 Design and Storyboarding.

Among the components of a tale might be,

  1. A fun opening sequence that features your explainer avatar preparing at a desk to begin drafting the video.
  2. Your explainer character tells the story and gives an introduction.
  3. Adorable mascots with illustrations that show off their features.
  4. vibrant visual analogies for gaining understanding, similar to a flourishing garden.

2.1 Storyboarding;

 Create a comic strip-style illustration of your video’s visual flow.

2.2 Design style;

 Select an animation approach like motion graphics or whiteboard animation. that complements your target demographic and brand.

3.0 Producing the Video:

Do it yourself or hire someone else? For do-it-yourselfers, there are alternatives to animation software. Outsourcing to an animation studio might result in a more polished appearance.

3.1 Visual planning

Storyboard your script to help you visualize it. To arrange your video’s visual flow, sketch out scenarios, camera angles, and transitions.

4.0 Selecting a tool

There are plenty of software for this. But they are mostly high cost. There are no free versions for this type of tool.

Select a cost-effective, but quality one that fulfills your task. 

As an example Choose a 3D animation program based on your requirements and degree of experience. Blender, Cinema 4D, & 3ds Max are popular choices.

Select an animation program. Toonly and Adobe After Effects are two well-liked choices, but there are plenty more. Bring in your drawings and make them come to life in line with your storyboard. Be mindful of the visual style, pacing, and transitions.

Make people and 3D models that fit your narrative. Animate them to give your scenes motion and vitality.

By the way, you may try createstudio also.

Animated Explainer Videos: a better solution

Sound effects and voiceover.

 For narration, either use your own voice or hire a voice actor. In order to improve the animation, add sound effects.

You may either record your voice or employ a professional voice actor to narrate the screenplay. Make sure your speech is both emotional and clear.

Add some music and sound effects: Use sound effects and background music to improve the viewing experience. 

Align the audio with your video’s tone.

5.0 Combining everything.

5.1 Editing 

While Video editing is a vast subject, but you can fill those gaps with creative outcomes. To produce a professional video, edit the voiceover, sound effects, and animation.

To create a realistic appearance, add textures to items and rig 3D figures for movement. Consider the lighting to create a mood.

Using your storyboards as a guide, animate your 3D scenes. Take note of the transitions, camera movements, and tempo. Finish the video rendering.

Adjust the time, make text overlays, and edit your produced video. Make sure the flow of your movie is smooth.

Check here these trending methods too.

Trending Animation styles

Your explainer video’s target audience, message, and budget will all determine the ideal animation style. 

Here are a few well-liked choices to think about;

1.0 Motion Graphics.

 Information is presented in a visually appealing manner using text, shapes, and symbols in this sleek and contemporary design. It’s ideal for elucidating intricate procedures or ideas that rely on data.

2.0 Cartoon animation. 

This is a flexible art form that may be playful and joyful or complex. It works well for developing likable characters and narratives that enable people to relate to your message.

3.0 Animation 2.5D

A more 3-dimensional appearance than typical 2D animation is provided by 2.5D animation, which combines 2D and 3D components without incurring the entire expense of 3D.

4.0 3D product animation.

Realistic and comprehensive product displaying is made possible using 3D product animation. For companies that sell complicated physical goods or engage in e-commerce, this is an excellent choice.

5.0 Stop Motion Animation. 

It creates movement by taking a picture of an item one frame at a time using photography. It might give your video a more handmade vibe, but making it can take some time.

6.0 kinetic typography.

The goal of kinetic typography is to creatively animate text to draw the viewer in and reaffirm your message. It functions well for succinct, powerful videos.

7.0 Whiteboard Animation; 

This straightforward technique explains ideas with hand-drawn graphics on a white backdrop. It’s a suitable option for expressing an informal and educational tone.

8.0 Cutout Animation; 

This technique creates a paper-cutout look by animating pre-made images or photos. It’s an affordable choice that may give your film a certain charm.

5.2 Call to action.

Conclude by making a strong request for readers to visit your website or get in touch with you.

6.0 check for final edit

Adjust the time, make text overlays, and edit your produced video. Make sure the flow of your movie is smooth. 

Invite viewers to share their thoughts. To determine the impact of the video, examine data such as watch count, interaction, and comments. 

A 3D explanation video requires effort, imagination, and close attention to detail. These guidelines can help you create an aesthetically appealing and captivating 3D masterpiece, regardless of whether you’re telling a tale, demonstrating an idea, or advertising a product.

Now will turn to AI use.

How is AI used to create animated explainer videos?

Well, Artificial intelligence is becoming a useful tool for producing explainer videos, which simplifies and increases accessibility. Using AI to create a dynamic explainer film can help you achieve the following.

  1. Help with scriptwriting; AI systems can research your subject and produce a rough screenplay that you can edit. This might help you save time while formulating and organizing your message.
  2. AI presenters/influencers; Instead of paying actors, you may utilize AI-powered avatars that will naturally convey the content while lip-syncing to your script. You may choose an avatar that best represents your brand from the variety of styles available.
  3. Animation and storyboarding; Using your screenplay as a guide, certain AI systems may create storyboards that will provide you with a visual representation of your film.  AI may also be used to produce simple animation, however, for the time being, its style may be constrained.
  4. Enhanced overall workflow; AI-driven explainer video creators integrate these features into an intuitive interface. In a matter of minutes, the AI can create a finished film based on your selections from templates, your screenplay, and customized images and audio. 

You will still need to make sure the video is consistent with your brand, polish the screenplay, and present a clear concept. 

However, AI may undoubtedly be a useful tool for accelerating and streamlining the production of explainer videos. the technology itself cannot make inspiration! Agreed? It needs the support of human creativity.

What are the latest developments in the creation of explainer videos?

  • First on mobile! Everyone is watching your film on their cellphones, so make sure it looks fantastic there.
  • Time for a story! Forget dull lectures; instead, captivate audiences with stories.
  • Elegant/funny animation; The use of 3D & character animation creates aesthetically attractive explanation videos.
  • Small-scale magic; Small animations maintain clarity and ease of use.
  • Maintain cleanliness; Design that is simple and conveys a statement is in.
  • Customized videos; For best effect, address your audience directly.
  • patterns Testimonials to establish credibility, AI-powered customization, and VR/AR for an immersive experience.

Now we move on to a good question…

What kind of business can animated explainer videos improve?

An extensive range of enterprises may profit from animated explainer videos, which are a flexible tool. 

This explains why they work very well;

1.0 Explaining complicated ideas. 

They are perfect for organizations in IT, finance, or any other area with technical features since they can simplify complex concepts or procedures into clear visual aids.

2.0 Introducing intangible items. 

Explainer videos may help companies that sell software or services come to life through animation, which helps viewers relate to the products better.

3.0 Increasing engagement;

 Because animation is naturally captivating, explainer videos can hold viewers’ attention longer than traditional text-based explanations. This makes them ideal for any business looking to simplify its offerings, raise brand awareness, or educate prospective clients. 

If we ask a simple question… 

Do all businesses get benefits from advertising campaigns?


If read carefully once in this article we stated for special advertising task there should be a proper goal. And it suits for this Animated Explainer Videos.

So, we cannot say exactly why some businesses might not work in this category. 

Of course, there is no specific rule. if you feel that animated explainer videos will work! Congratulations. Because it’s a powerful technique. If you aren’t clear, just check this list.

  1. B2B enterprises; should provide explanations for intricate internal procedures, financial goods, and software features.
  2. SaaS-Software as a service. providers should succinctly and clearly describe the value of their product.
  3. Educational organizations; Describe difficult subjects or advertise online courses in a captivating way.
  4. E-commerce companies; should describe the qualities and advantages of their items while showcasing them in an eye-catching manner.
  5. Marketing firms; Produce explanation videos to help their clients advertise their goods and services.
  6. Even the tech channels of YouTube; this is truly working. many faceless channels use this trick.


The main goals of explainer videos are engagement and clarity.  Always keep in mind that the ideal style is the one that most effectively communicates your message to your intended audience. You should select an animation style that complements the overall tone you wish to represent.

Hope this content helps


Read more on related topics here. AI advertising strategy, presentation generator

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